
Looking for expert advice to help and inspire you in your HR Consulting Business, or looking for guidance and insight as you start your journey into establishing your HR Consulting business? Wherever you are on your consulting journey you are in the right place.

Check out our latest blog content, packed with interesting views, stories, advice, guidance and anecdotes from the UK's Leading Mentor for HR Consultants, Sarah Hamilton-Gill. With over 30 years experience as an HR Consultant, Sarah has much wisdom to share and is reagrded extremely highly in her field.

We hope you find our articles useful. Please do share your views in the comments.

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  1. In recent weeks, working from home has become the topic of conversation - globally. 

    But we’ve been helping people to actually do it for 25 years. 



    We are a consultancy designed to help people make the leap from corporate to consultant. We run online and face-to-face bootcamps and retreats aimed specifically at people who want to start their own consultancy business. And yes, that includes people yet to make the first step, too.

    Being your own boss allows you to work from home, any time you like. 

    What does this mean? 

    It means that we recognise corporate #officelife is not for everyone. But we also recognise that sometimes it’s difficult to find the courage to leave it. We’ll not only show you how to make the first step, but also how to excel while doing it, both personally and financially. We’re with you every step of the way. 

    How can we help you? 

    If you’re ready to make the Leap into Consulting™ then we’d love to aid you on your journey. 

    We’ve been helping people like you for 25 years. Check out some of our upcoming events for inspiration. Oh, and be sure to keep an eye on the page as we will be announcing more exciting opportunities in the next few weeks. 

    What does professional coaching offer?

    If you want to be your own boss and work from home, then professional coaching will give you a head start on your journey. Among other things, it will: 

    • Build your confidence 
    • Give you clarity in your career 
    • Help you set goals (and stay accountable to them)
    • Unlock the tools to help you succeed 
    • Allow you to regain a work/life balance
    • Make you happier! 

    Find out more ways that professional coaching can help you: 

    7 ways coaching will help your career

    Why professional development is also personal development 

    I want to run my own business and work from home. How do I start? 

    We know that starting a business can be daunting, and that’s why we run 90-minute accelerator coaching programmes online. It’s a space for you to ask questions, find out more about consultancy, learn about the tools you’ll need to succeed, and to begin your journey.

    In our 90-minute accelerator programme, we’ll show you how to excel as a consultant enabling you to: 

    • Leave the corporate life
    • Become your own boss
    • Work from home

    Course info 2 V2

    Find out more. Book time into my calendar, or contact me: [email protected]

    I look forward to hearing from you. 



    To see more tool and read other blogs on this subject take a look at this:

    Homeworking & Homeschooling in COVID-19 by Brad Egeland | MindGenius



  2. Are you considering either personal or professional development, but are not sure which to choose? We understand. On one hand, you want to advance your career. On the other, you want to nurture your personal life, self-esteem and relationships. 

    The answer to this is actually fairly simple, invest in a development programme that does both.

    Here at Leap into Consulting™ we offer a wealth of professional advice that will inevitably boost your personal circumstances too. The lines overlap, and in using our professional development tools and techniques, we’re sure you’ll find that your personal life benefits too.

    Yes, our training programmes are designed to boost your career and your income, but with us it’s personal. Our unique blend of intuition, empathy and humour will help you see results - in all areas of your life. 

    Here are just some of the ways that our professional development tools and mentoring will help you reap benefits in your personal life, too:


    It will help with decision making: 


    Our coaching sessions are designed to help you define what you want out of your career. We structure this in a way that guides you to understand yourself and what is important to YOU. In our sessions, this may mean critically assessing your current clients or aspects of your role to discuss which are working for you and importantly - which are not. Often, this critical thinking will extend into other aspects of your life too. Once you’ve found a clear path to making professional decisions, you’ll be able to make personal decisions more easily too - leading to a more effective life, outside of the office. 


    You’ll build a professional network: 


    By the very nature of what we do, you’ll build your professional network with us. We hold webinars attended by groups of career-minded professionals, as well as some face-to-face events with focussed and driven attendees. As a consultant who may often work alone, it’s important to build these networks with like-minded people. You may find peers who can help you achieve your career goals, or you may find someone who wants to talk holidays over a glass of wine one evening. As a consultant or a business leader - both are important in creating a well-rounded lifestyle. 


    It will bring back your self esteem: 


    Consultants often work alone, perhaps from home or perhaps jumping from office-to-office on an ever-changing basis. This way of working can be tough on even the strongest of us. Without an annual review or fixed line manager to sing your praises, it can sometimes be tough to see just what you’re worth. Investing in professional development will highlight your skills, assets and accomplishments, in turn bringing back any lost self-esteem. And navigating the world with a sense of self-esteem will do wonders for both your professional and personal life. 


    You’ll rediscover your creativity:  


    Having someone on hand to help you decide what you really want to do with you career will bring back your creativity. Perhaps you’re currently employed full-time and find yourself filling your days with tasks you’d rather not do, were you given the choice. Or perhaps you’re a long-time consultant who started with dreams and aspirations but have found yourself stuck in a rut in order to ‘get by’. Think again. Professional coaching will help you think outside of the box once more, allowing you to inject some creativity into your professional life. It will help you to discover what you want to do with your life rather than what an employer wants you to do. And there’s nothing better for your sense of well-being than following your own path. 


    It will offer a sense of direction: 


    Any professional coaching takes place with one ultimate goal in mind, helping you achieve your career goals. Our professional coaching methods combine this with elements of life-skill coaching: clear decision making, elevated self-esteem and sense of worth, rediscovery of creativity and network building - giving you a rounded yet clear focus that will seep into other areas of your life too. 


    You’ll regain a work/life balance:


    Knowing what you want will inevitably lead you to a more balanced work/life view, and one that works for you. If you want to work 70+ hour weeks, you’ll have the tools to find enough clients to keep you busy. If you want to chop your working week in half in order to spend more time with loved ones, you’ll discover how to price yourself in a way that allows you to make it happen. If you want to simply cut the work that isn’t giving you fulfilment, you’ll find the confidence to do so. Whichever way you look at it, understanding your ideal work/life balance and knowing how to get there is priceless. 


    It will improve your relationships (with yourself and others): 

    Professional development will change the way you see yourself. It will help you to recognise your achievements, to understand what is important to you both professionally and personally, and allow you to make impactful changes in your life and career. And in elevating the relationship you have with yourself, you’ll elevate your relationships with others too. 


    It will make you happier!  


    If it’s not clear by now, let us spell it out for you - professional development will make you happier! Yes, it will make you happier at work, but it will also make you happier outside of the office, too. It will build your self-esteem, equip you to make better decisions, help you find the confidence to chase a life you dream of, and bestow you with a sense of all your achievements; past, present and future. 

    The benefits this will have on your personal life are numerous. We can’t name them all but we can say, a person who is happy, confident and knows what they want in life becomes inspirational and unstoppable!

    - Are you ready to make the Leap into Consulting™?

    - Find out how we can help you make the leap this leap year.  

  3. Thousands of consultants across the country will gain an extra day’s pay in 2020. 


    2020 is a leap year; 366 days make up the calendar year rather than the usual 365. If you want to get really specific, this means 254 working days rather than the usual 253.

    Consultants will charge for this extra working day while those in full-time employment will usually work the extra day without any additional financial benefit. 


    But pay is just one reason to make the Leap into Consulting™ this leap year. Working as a consultant has many benefits. Here are just a few to consider: 

    You can choose your projects:

    Have you ever been pulled into a job by your manager that you really didn’t want to do, but had to because ‘it’s work’. Think again. As a consultant you can choose which jobs you wish to take on and - perhaps more importantly - which ones you don’t. Love organisational design? Choose projects focussing on this and go to work happy every day. Don’t enjoy recruitment? You’ll never have to look at a CV again. 

    You can choose who you work for:

    The choice of who you work for as a consultant is up to you. Entirely up to you. Your CV will become a running list of the people you have chosen to include, not those who have chosen you. So if you prefer working with smaller start-ups, you can dedicate your time to them. If you’re looking for big corporate names, you’ll rack up a few in no time at all. And the best thing? If you want to work with a combination of both, you absolutely can. 


    You can design your work/life balance:

    As a consultant, you get to choose who you want to work for - but you also get to choose when. Do you want to work Monday-Thursday only? Clock-off by 3PM? Take a month off in between jobs? All of this is possible. Yes, even the month off. You’ll decide which hours, days and even months you work. Whats more, even if you do decide to stick to the regular 9-5, Monday-Friday, you can still cut out that pesky commuting time and be finished up with work for the day well in time for dinner.

    You’ll build your network: 

    Working for a multitude of companies means working side-by-side with many different peers, VPs, board members and CEOs. Aside from the rounded experience this brings it also allows you to build a long, long list of professional contacts from varying specialities. What does this mean? It could mean someone to soundboard off next time you have a tough question from their niche. It will also likely mean a long list of full-time employees with your name on-hand next time they or their boss are looking for a consultant. We call that win win!


    The growth opportunity:

    Growth opportunities as a consultant come quicker and faster in terms of both experience, and pay. It works like this: consulting across many different companies means you’re not stuck doing the exact same job day in, day out. Its a fast-track to wider learning opportunity. You therefore have a far wider scope to learn and understand many different parts of a business and increase your specialist knowledge. This alone makes you incredibly valuable and sought out by businesses, which in turn comes with a higher pay check. 


    Better compensation (including extra pay for overtime!):

    It’s no secret that when a company is looking for a consultant to assist with a project, they’re willing to pay above and beyond market rate than that of a full-time employee. They need someone with specialist knowledge and that’s you, the consultant. You can also charge for an extra day’s work (hello, leap year!) and even more brilliantly - for overtime. If you’ve not yet made the Leap into Consulting™, have a think next time you’re stuck at the laptop past 6PM: you could be charging for this. You’ll never look at overtime the same way again. 


    Freedom from office politics:

    One major advantage of being a consultant is the freedom from office politics that you'll gain. Yes, you may have to deal with some of the day-to-day issues, but on the whole once you clock off from your working day, you’ll leave it behind. Even if not, you'll absolutely leave it behind once you move on to another project. And remember that month off we talked about. There’ll be no dealing with politics then! 

    - Are you ready to make the Leap into Consulting™?

    - Find out how we can help you make the leap this leap year.  

  4. I have listened to many consultants that worry about the fall in client work throughout the summer months. For me this is something that you should only experience in your first year until you get your business model right. 

    • What types of services and products can you offer during the summer months that will continue regardless of holidays?
    • Do you offer Summer Specials to generate interest and cashflow opportunities?
    • What is the balance between your products and services?
    • What % of your income is from the internet?

    I'm happy to talk - please don't feel alone with this stressful situation. I have been there and it requires a fresh approach!

    Here's the link to my calendar - book in 20 minutes for us to get ideas and some quick wins.


  5. It's all be quiet on here and there is a very good reason for this. I have been through a rapid transition both professionally and personally and have just come back to the UK after an amazing 3 week trip travelling from the UK to Corfu via France and the East Coast of Italy. Russell and I were inspired by Gino D'Acampo's The Italian Escape series.

    I have a love of photopraphy so if you want to see the amazing places we wentt to please go to our blog on facebook: @livingthedreamcorfu

    It was one of the most interesting journeys in a T5 VW van and latterly some quirky hotels. During the journey I wanted to test how easy it was to continue to work with clients remotely and on the whole this worked well.

    So our social experiment is over and we are looking forward to seeing everyone next week at the Festival of Work at Olympia.

  6. This week saw the launch in the New Forest of our 3 hour discovery events and what an inspiratonal group of delegates. We had a blend of HR, Learning & Development , Employee Relations, Employee Engagement, Award winning Nutrionalist, South Coast Influencer and a specilaist in the Defence Industry.

    They all had one passion though, to grow their own businesses.

    Thank  you all x

