HR Consulting Workshops, Webinars, Events and More...

To run a successful HR Consulting business you need to keep your knowledge up to date and your mindset right. Book to attend our insightful online workshops, webinars and events, designed to help and inspire you on your journey.

Your Personal and Professional Development Matters

As HR Professionals, learning, developing and growing is an essential part of what you do and we're here to help you.

Whether you're thinking about launching a career in HR Consulting or whether you're already on that path, our variety of bitesize, online webinars, workshops and events are designed to help and inspire you on your journey. 

Hosted by Sarah Hamilton-Gill FCIPD, the UK's leading mentor for HR consultants and award winning HR consulting expert, these short online webinars are designed so they are easy to schedule into your busy day and combine education, updates and insight on a wide variety of HR Consulting and business topics, as well as guest appearances from other trusted business experts, sharing their latest and greatest tips and advice on growing a successful and sustainable business.

Just a few of our popular events...

How to Become a Successful HR Consultant

Gain valuable insights and strategies to thrive as an HR Consultant and unlock your professional success.

How to Price Your Products and Services as a Consultant

Discover effective pricing techniques and strategies to maximize profitability as a consultant.

Improve Your LinkedIn Profile to Make You Stand Out as a Consultant

Learn how to enhance your LinkedIn profile and differentiate yourself as a standout consultant in a competitive market.

The Use of Psychometric and Diagnostic Tools for You and Your Clients

Learn the power of psychometric and diagnostic tools as a way to enhance your consultancy service and assist your clients.

10 Ways to Get More Consulting Clients

Learn proven tactics and strategies to attract a steady stream of consulting clients and grow your business.

Unlock Your Consulting Potential with ChatGPT

Unlock your consulting potential by leveraging the advanced capabilities of AI for insightful and impactful client interactions.

Follow us on Eventbrite and get notified first about upcoming webinars, workshops and events

Attendee Feedback

"The content in the ChatGPT webinar was really interesting, good research and up-to-date stats. Interesting stats captured this incredible moment in time with AI we are all witnessing. The breakout rooms and practical application allowed exploration and discussion which was so helpful and quite mind-blowing to see the potential. I honestly felt that webinar was a little moment in history for us all as AI goes mainstream! Great webinar."

Christine O'Ready

"Wow another amazing event courtesy of Sarah (Ready to take your Consulting business to the next level in 2023). The whole day was so informative and the guest speakers were incredible, I have learnt so much that I will be able to apply to my business. I got so much value from today and have made some new connections. Thank you so much Sarah for organising this and for your much appreciated experience and expertise that you have shared. I look forward to the next event."

Gemma Bromfield

"I have just started in HR Consulting after years of being 'dormant' and waiting for clients to come to me! This webinar is just perfect to give a jump start to be proactive and get over some hurdles - the comments have even more impact as they are from a presenter who has lived the experiences so you know they are genuine and not just 'sales speak'. Thank you - I am making changes already."

Jane Wawszczak

Ready to Make the Leap into HR Consulting?

If you're ready NOW to leave the inflexibility of the corporate world and set up your own successful HR Consulting Business, then start off on the right foot with our highly acclaimed, 6 week 'Leap into HR Consulting' Bootcamp. Over the past 5 years alone we've helped over 200 human resource professionals make the leap and establish successful HR consulting businesses.

Our CPD accredited Bootcamp combines online education with group and personal coaching, to give you everything you need to go forward and confidently set up your HR consultancy business. 

Over 6 modules we cover everything from brand-building techniques, social media training, income-building, collaboration, accountability plans, all aspects of legal and financial setup, and much more! 

With 74 bite size activities with videos, worksheets and content to read, it's all about giving you the confidence and knoweldge you need, to get out there and grow your own HR consultancy business, on your terms.

This programme is designed to allow you to set up your business - it's not about theory - it's real life best practice and business expertise- focused on what works for HR Consultants .